

Debts Reminder  v.

Have you ever happend to forget about money you lend? Or someone who borrowed you money claims that he gave you more? If so, you'd better get this app :) It's could be your pocket debts manager. Remembering out of your hair. Features: - list of

Debts Controller  v.

Last week you borrowed $10 from a friend. Yesterday you advanced $30 to a colleague. And last month it was already the case, but you forgot the repayment of these debts? Debts Controller is the simple and quick solution to easily manage the money


ICash  v.7.5.9

iCash is a software intended to control your personal finance, keeping track of incomes, expenses, credits, debts and Banks transactions for you. As simple as creating the accounts you need and move money between them!

Personal Finance & Cashflow Calculator

Personal Finance Calculator, Cashflow calculator, calculate your personal finances and sort out your debts. Work out exactly how much money you are spending a week/month. Easy to use and best of all its free.

Debt Reducer

What you need to do to out of debt today - no financial expertise required. Eliminate your debts and save you hundreds or thousands of dollars in the process. The Debt Reducer software is easy to use and valuable in evaluating debt consolidation. All you

Debt ReCalc

DebtRecalc Software is a accelerated debt payoff calculator program that analyzes your debt based on the principal of rolling over payments from prior paid off debts and applying that payment to the current debt (also know as snowball method of paying off

Spryka Desktop Budget

Desktop Budget lets you take control of your budget, and let's you manage all your finances including your checking, your credit cards, loans, savings accounts, and any debts you might have, all with easy to use, self explanatory windows and applications.

Loan Consolidation

In this game there will be debt blocks falling from the top of the screen. You need to destroy the debt blocks by making them contact with the money blocks of the same colour. There are a limited number of money blocks so you need to put the debt blocks

Student Debt Relief

Our Debt Relief Software will help you Manage Debts with the Debt, so you can structure your own debt relief plan.

Aes Student Loan

Our Debt Relief Software will help you Manage Debts with the Debt, so you can structure your own debt relief plan.

Gladiator DeathMatch Arena  v.0.1

Gladiator DeathMatch Arena is a nice and interesting game. In the future, the U.S. is bankrupt due to out of control spending. In order to pay off it's debts, it's citizens are forced to compete in televised Gladiatorial games.

Short Reckonings  v.1

Short Reckonings is a free Web tool that helps you reconcile debts with your friends. Enter a group of people and a list of expenses, indicating who paid how much for what and for whom.

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